
About Us

Unlock A World Of Potential Leads.

Affcor is your go-to solution for generating high-quality leads for your business. With our cutting-edge lead generation platform, you can reach new prospects, increase conversions, and grow your customer base like never before. Say goodbye to cold calling and hello to a steady stream of qualified leads with Affcor.


Our Mission

Our mission is to empower companies with the tools and insights they need to thrive in today's competitive landscape. We're committed to delivering high-quality leads that translate into tangible growth opportunities for our clients. Our unwavering focus is to bridge the gap between businesses and their next quality lead.

Our Vision

Our vision is to revolutionise the way companies approach lead generation. We aspire to be the go-to platform for businesses seeking high-value prospects, cutting-edge strategies, and unparalleled results. We see a future where every business, regardless of size, can access the resources they need to accelerate their growth and reach new heights.

Meet Our Team

At Affcor, we take pride in our passionate and diverse team of professionals who work tirelessly to bring our mission and vision to life. Each member of our team brings a unique set of skills and experiences to the table, united by a shared commitment to empowering our community of users. From lead generation experts to data analysts and customer support specialists, our diverse team works tirelessly to ensure your experience with Affcor is exceptional.

Contact Us

Submit the form below to reach out to our team. Your journey to increased ROI, scalable lead generation, and business growth starts here.